Laravel Top PHP web development framework, Web development agency Costa Rica

Geek Talk: is Laravel PHP’s king of the hill?


The internet is in a state of constant evolution, and web development is at the heart of this evolution, today we see more applications moving to the web and the cloud than ever before, and to do this, web developers rely on different frameworks.

Laravel is the considered one of the best PHP web development frameworks, it is used to create Interactive web applications as well as mobile apps for popular website verticals like:

  • Entertainment
  • Business
  • Media
  • News
  • Shopping
  • Technology

In every web development project, there are key issues that arise and need to be addressed quickly and cost-effectively, and Laravel framework offers solutions to the most common problems encountered by professional web developers such as:

Authentication Services

Not all areas of a website are meant to be public, businesses that work under a membership model will require both an authentication and an authorization service. This means the client must log in using a specific set of credentials like a username and password, to gain access to some web content or service.

Laravel facilitates the creation and implementation of these authentication and authorization services, this provides website owners with a better layer of security.

Improves Application Speed

These days nobody has time to wait even a few seconds for a site or application to load, this means that in addition to creating a functional application, web developers must also ensure these have a fast response time.

“The best way to do this is to utilize cache backends, the type of cache needed depends on the size of the application, small apps work better with some cache backends while bigger apps work better with others, the advantage of Laravel is that it is capable of supporting multiple cache configurations, making it ideal for web development projects of any size” Commented Davide Tonti, co-owner of Softon ITG.

Enhanced Email and Notification Services

One of the best marketing tools businesses have is their mailing lists, sending emails or notifications to their users is how companies build rapport with their clients, but some frameworks are cumbersome when it comes to integrating mail services.

This is another great advantage of Laravel, it provides a very simple API over the popular SwiftMailer Library, and it also provides drivers for SMTP, Mailgun, Mandrill, SparkPost, Amazon SES and more. This simplified integration allows the application to send emails through a local server or through a cloud-based service, and finally, it supports sending notifications through various delivery channels like SMS.

Protection Against Security Vulnerabilities

Laravel framework protects web applications against the most common security risks like SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting.

“As professional web developers we have an obligation to deliver secure web applications to our clients and having the right tool to fix these problems during the development process is imperative” stated Davide Tonti.

Automation Testing

The only way to truly know if an application works is to test it, automation testing takes less time and is more accurate than manual testing, clearly having automation testing does not mean you can forego manual testing altogether, but it does help reduce cost and pushup delivery times, therefore it makes sense that Laravel was built with testing in mind.

Laravel is the top PHP web development framework, but, when looking for a web development agency you should make sure they also have expertise in other frameworks, this ensures your end product will be costumed built to fit your company’s needs. Companies like Softon ITG which specialize not only in PHP frameworks but also in Java, Microsoft.Net, and Database frameworks can deliver superior applications at an affordable price.